(Picture: Friendship Bridge – sign board)

I will like to bring you back to our journey from Nepal to Tibet. I was very excited as I knew that I would have a chance to cross the all time famous Friendship Bridge. Some 15yrs ago, I was suppose to have joined a group of friends on a backpacking trip from Nepal to China, via the silk road, but did not get to do it as I could not get leave from work. And since then, I did not have a chance to do it. So, I am glad I managed it this time 🙂 The bridge stands at 1770m a.s.l. At the middle of the bridge, there is a line separating Nepal from China! There are some interesting history about the bridge which I have read, but forgot! Will write it down on my return trip and update here :p

Back to our days at Nyalam, we spent two days here at 3655m a.s.l. We did two acclimatization walk up to 4180m. The team is going strong and steady. After dinner, I went to check my emails and was sadden to know that my good friend, Ivy is not feeling that well and has been hospitalized! After some verifications with Chee Meng, I was told that she was down with irregular fever and has been suspected to have dengue 🙁

Dengue fever is not to be taken lightly. Late last month, a friend cum business associates was hit by dengue and did not survive the ordeal. I pray that Ivy will get well soon and be her usual bubbly self. Pray that she’ll get well quickly to resume running as running is one of her favourite sporting activities.

As I crossed the friendship bridge, I was thinking of my friends back in Singapore 🙂

Joanne & PG at Friendship Bridge

Ivy & Jones – Kelvin peeping from the back