(Picture: Descending back towards Nyalam)

We had an early start on this morning’s acclimatization climb up a high ridge to get more acclimatization training and also with the hopes of seeing Xixabangma (the only 8000er entirely within China) in the distance.

The weather started out clear, but soon became windy and visibility decreased when the clouds descended lower. Fortunately, we managed to reach our altitude goal of 4200m with time to spare and in good spirits. The team is acclimatizing very well at this altitude and the best sign of the team’s physical adjustment is the copious amounts of food ingested at every meal.

Clouds moving in on the descent, lowering visibility somewhat

We’ll be moving off to Tingri tomorrow morning and we will be staying there for the next 2 nights. Tingri is situated at an altitude of 4300m and we expect to adjust to the new environment quite comfortably.

Update again soon!